E3: Preparing for WODs Essay

18 Feb 2023

Summary of Invoice1

Invoice1 was a WOD that involved creating a sales receipt within a table that contained five different products with prices and quantities. The use of JS expressions and variables were necessary to compute the values dynamically to not “hard code” the computations. I ended up completing the WOD in just under 16 minutes on my first attempt, and about 20-30 minutes to prepare.

Here is a link to the WOD instructions:

Preparing for the WOD

For Invoice1 and all WODs up until this point, what I’ve done to prepare is to set up a preliminary attempt, where I go through the steps of the WOD while using resources like the readings and such, to make sure I understand what is being asked of me and how to apply the things I am told to use. The beginning was fairly simple; declaring variables and computing subsquent variables was something I was already familiar with. I then had to create a a table and input my variables into said table. Instead of creating a table from scratch, I copied the HTML from the example table to make things much quicker; making a table wasn’t the focus of the WOD anyways.

Getting the variables in the table is where I faced the most trouble. Even with some research I couldn’t quite figuire out how to use the string template and I made it much more complicated than it needed to be, and my table wouldn’t work. After I realized it was just a matter of putting my variable in the {} brackets, It was smooth sailing.

Performing the WOD

Although it was my first recorded attempt at Invoice1, I was able to very quickly go through the beginning steps and created my table fairly quickly. I slowed down a bit to make sure my values were all correct, checking them in the browser console, and created my template for each row and changed the variables to match each item. Then for the last few values I used individual

What I could’ve done better

I don’t think there was much I could’ve done better, as I finished well under Rx time, but there are things that I cuold do differently. My current approach essentially ensures I’ll finish under Rx time and understand how to apply what is being asked of me, but there is definitely less critical thought during my actual attempts versus my preparation stage. For Invoice2, I’d like to try going through the readings without looking at the instructions, and then attempting a WOD completely blind to see how far I can go.